Tech City News have partnered up with technology legal experts Bristows LLP & Internet of Everything evangelists Cisco to bring you the highlight of an exciting series throughout London Technology Week – FutureTech event.
This event will give you an in-depth vision of how London’s startups are currently responding to the demands of tomorrow with tech innovation in HealthTech, EdTech and other ‘Smart’ solutions for future generations.
Maximum capacity of 100, so register now to save your place!
Look out for *live stream* coverage on our website, and in September’s print issue of Tech City News.
6.30pm: The end of the world as we know it?
Panel discussion with top tech minds:
– Bill Clee, CEO & founder of Asset Mapping
– Naveed Parvez, founder & CEO of Andiamo
– Chris Holder, partner at Bristows LLP
– Tom Kneen, head of British Innovation Gateway, Cisco UK&I
– Moderated by Tech City News’ very own tech aficionado, Kirsty Styles
This fantastic panel will be discussing their innovation & technology of the future; from robot surgeons to delivery drones, to 3D printed orthotics and smart buildings. Everything from operational to legal implications of how visionary ideas of today will soon part of our everyday lives.
6pm – 9pm: Meet the legal experts
Burning legal questions about your startup? Grab this opportunity of free legal drop in with Bristows LLP partners before and after the panel discussion. Experts include:
IP – Theo Savvides & Jeremy Blum
Data Protection – Mark Watts
Real Estate – Teresa Edmund & Tim Allen
Employment – Lidia Poczok & Justin Costley
Fundraising, acquisitions, consumers & contracts – Louise Eldridge & Sacha Wilson
Supreme Factory
Venture Studio with Accelerator supporting the next wave of purposeful early-stage technology businesses with diverse teams and conscious founders.